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Thursday 25 January 2018




Our ancestors used to have good health throughout their life; one of the various reasons was daily use of Copper and Brass utensils. It has been proved that Copper and Brass (Brass = 60% Copper+ 40% Zinc) carries lots of medicinal properties, which are tremendously beneficial for human health. Human body gets benefits of these medicinal properties by drinking 'Tamra-Jal' or cooking food in 'Tamra-Jal'.

Today, to ensure good health how much effort one takes? As a precaution we drink only pure water either boiled or purified with expensive electric purifiers. Instead of all this, one should drink only ‘Tamra-Jal’, which is pure and medicated too!

Deficiency of Copper causes severe health problems such as :

·  Severe anemia,
·  Skin diseases,
·  Abnormalities in bones and weakness of bones which eventually leads to frequent         fracturing.

Deficiency of Zinc causes:

·  Hamper resistance power to diseases,
·  Skin diseases,
·  Loss of appetite,

Benefits of Copper:

·  Helps healthy growth,
·  Helps to loose extra fat,
·  Gives luster to skin.

The influence of copper upon human health is due to the fact that it is part of enzymes, which are proteins that help biochemical reactions occur in every cell. Copper is involved in the absorption, storage and metabolism of iron.

Mystery of copper & brass – Ayurvedic secrecy to health

Scientists had thoroughly studied many of the ayurvedic granthas, to know more about the medicinal benefits of copper and brass. In the 5 th chapter and 46 th verse, of famous grantha ‘Rasratnasamucchaya’, we find significant information on medicinal properties and its benefits to humans. When water is stored in the copper / brass vessels, copper and brass (brass = 70% copper + 30% zinc) gets leached in the water. Drinking this water benefits human body with their medicinal properties.
After knowing the importance of copper and zinc, now a days, people have started using the copper and brass utensils for storing drinking water, in big restaurants it is used for serving. You can find decorative copper jugs in many houses too. Along with copper, zinc is also required for many biological activities, which we get from brass vessels.


In 21st century, science got a great progress. In the field of Tantra-Gyan, the world has passed a very field of Tantra-Gyan, the world has passed a very long distance. In the world of health many newly methods and instruments are being developed but it is also a bitter truth that health services are being damn costly day by day.

Copper-ash controls weight. If physical-fire goes on, human being could not get any disease. If we use Copper water, Copper-jewellery and copper pots, we can not face any problem all of these are beneficial for heart patients.

You can get healthy body easily using copper utensils. So if you want to be healthful, just start to use copper utensils and have copper water.

How to clean Copper utensils:

Vinegar and Salt

Pour one pint of vinegar into a spray bottle with three tablespoons of table salt. Spray this on the copper item and allow it to set for 30 minutes. Then with a soft cloth simply rub it clean. Buff the item to a shine with a soft cloth.

Lemon Juice & Baking Soda

Make a paste of lemon juice and table salt. Use a soft cloth to apply the paste to the copper item. Allow the paste to remain on the item for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth. You can also use a lemon slice sprinkled with baking soda. Rub the copper item with the lemon slice and then rinse well with warm water and dry. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a nice and very helpful post about Health.
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    Thanks.... Copper Water Bottle






